Dual Occupancy

Dual occupancy is a term given to describe two dwellings on one lot of land. This kind of developments provide significant benefits to the developer and/or investor through achieving the highest and best use of their chosen location, resulting in equity gains, increased rental, and greater flexibility. Typically, you will find a dual occupancy in of the following forms:


Side-by-side attached

These dual occupancies share a roof and can be configured on a traditional building lot where you have access from one street frontage. At Macquarie Knight, we endeavour to make these dwellings look like one single house, taking away any potential stigma associated with the development resembling a duplex in any way.


Side-by-side detached

These dual occupancies look like two separate houses constructed next to each other, with different entrance points. Each dwelling is designed with its own unique look and feel, and they are configured on a traditional building lot where you have access from one street frontage.


Corner detached

Positioned on a corner lot resembling two separate houses, with each dwelling facing its own street. These lots are typically more difficult to source. At Macquarie Knight, we endeavour to ensure each of these dwellings take on a different façade type and look. This enables each property to look independent and not part of an overall development.

Benefits for investors

Developing a dual occupancy has enormous benefits for investors! When a developer chooses to construct two dwellings on the one lot (i.e. a dual occupancy), they have the option of leaving two dwellings on one title, or, subdividing and creating two titles which creates a substantial equity uplift.

By subdividing, the developer has created two (2) titles and so has the flexibility option of keeping both, selling one/keeping one, or selling both. Overall, dual occupancy development provides significant benefits to the developer/investor through achieving the highest and best use of their chosen location, resulting in equity gains, increased rental, and greater flexibility.